Monday Pick Me Up-Orange, Brown, and Blue

Here it is, your Monday Morning Pick me up.  A rich color scheme of orange, brown, and blue, that pervaded the photographs taken of our Sunday morning spent in the Embassy playground with our friends and their dogs.

Though these images were taken here, in Caracas, Venezuela, the colors make me think of the American South West….

Caracas is a difficult post, but getting together with other members of the Embassy community helps a lot.  Especially those with dogs and/or babies!  Look how happy they are! Although Charlie was MIA the moment the photo was taken, rest assured he was off being traviesito somewhere close by.


…And so, our outdoor photo shoot (so to speak) in the morning inspired an indoor photo shoot of the same color scheme in the afternoon.  Here I am cleaning off our young model after a pre photo shoot oreo.

Orange tee-shirt by Penguin.  Rug by Dwell Studio for Target Kids….or something like that.  Adorable blue knit teddy bear by Baby Gap.  Modeled by Kate and Owen Laufert, of Vida Viva

Charlie makes his modeling debut!

Charlie the Dog

I painted this yesterday morning of our beloved border colie mix, Charlie.  This is the newest edition to my collection of paintings for children which I am now calling “Vida Viva Kids”, and which I can now rightfully call a collection since there is more than one painting! These two paintings are both available as prints of various sizes on imagekind.  If you are interested in purchasing the original of this painting please email me at

….And don’t worry Mark, I am still working on your painting!  Getting right back to it this moment!