The Never Ending Painting…Part 2

Well here is the photo I promised.  Yes, I know I said I would put it up last night, but I didn’t realize just how terrible it would look with a flash.  So this afternoon I took some photos of this work in progress.    I don’t think I’ve ever done a landscape like this before, and seriously, it is the hardest thing I have ever done.  I get lost in all the tiny details of the mountains.  There have been days when I have thrown down my brushes and declared that I just can’t do this.  Ok, pretty much every day.  Call me dramatic, but this is a tantrum inducing painting.

But I put my nose to the grind this week, and it finally looks like it is coming together.  Not finished, but getting somewhere. What do you think?

This is Charlie, the other little man who interrupts me.  I think he likes it.

The Crafty Mom

I like to call myself a painter, rather than an artist. There are musicians who can pick up any instrument, and then there are those who have a passion and ability for one instrument only. This is me. I used to draw, but now it seems I can only paint. And I only want to. I love paint because it is liquid and flexible. I can mix it, thin it, layer it, manipulate it however I please. In my first months as a new mother, when I had no time for anything other than Owen, I would think of the physical sensations of painting, and crave them like chocolate.

After a brief and frustrating stint with mixed media in Bogota, I accepted for good that I am simply a one media kind of woman.

And then, we had Owen. Now I am filled with desires to be that perfect adorable crafty mom. To knit toys and scrapbook and decorate. I bought a load of scrapbooking material, and since I’ve saved everything from our first dates onward, I will someday sit down and make that family scrapbook and it will be beautiful damn it.

I drove myself crazy for Owen’s first birthday, which we celebrated in February. I chose a puppy theme, and I wanted it to be perfect. The big show stopper, of course, was going to be the puppy cake. I found a photo online that was both cute and seemingly easy to copy. All I can say is thank God my mother was there, and Devorah, our housekeeper’s daughter. I was too anxious about every aspect of the party from the caterer (who was late) to the goody bags to even think straight. In the end, it was a joint effort. But I have to admit, that thirteen year old kicks my ass in cake decorating.

Devorah kept saying what a shame it was that we would have to cut up our little work of art. But hey, cake is for eating. And I think someone inherited my sweet tooth.