The Never Ending Painting…Part 2

Well here is the photo I promised.  Yes, I know I said I would put it up last night, but I didn’t realize just how terrible it would look with a flash.  So this afternoon I took some photos of this work in progress.    I don’t think I’ve ever done a landscape like this before, and seriously, it is the hardest thing I have ever done.  I get lost in all the tiny details of the mountains.  There have been days when I have thrown down my brushes and declared that I just can’t do this.  Ok, pretty much every day.  Call me dramatic, but this is a tantrum inducing painting.

But I put my nose to the grind this week, and it finally looks like it is coming together.  Not finished, but getting somewhere. What do you think?

This is Charlie, the other little man who interrupts me.  I think he likes it.

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