
Hello out there, I’m back!  Yes, I took a rather long summer hiatus, but I’m back, ready to work and tell you all about it.   I’m happy to say I have a few projects lined up, starting with two portraits of these adorable brothers.   I thought I would wait to post something until I’d actually started the paintings, but since I’ve been so delayed in getting back to work, I decided to do a quickie sneak peak blog with the photographs I will be using and some of the outtakes.

Big Brother/Outtake 1

Big Brother/Outtake 2

Big Brother/ For Portrait

Seriously, I could write an entire book on how difficult and hysterical it is to take portraits of kids.  I invited them over thinking it would be easy.  I have a great camera, and I could just stick them in a neutral colored chair with some good lighting and click and click until something turned out.  But even with the most delightful and well behaved children (and these boys are really amazing) it is quite a job to get them to sit still and smile and look at the camera, all at once.

But I would really like to think that, despite a dozen blurry photographs, something turned out.  I think I got two images that really capture the personalities of these little men…and a few cute outtakes, to boot.

Little Brother/Outtake

Little Brother/For Portrait

Now let’s see what I can do with them on canvas…

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