Monday Pick Me Up-Owen’s Nature Zip

The first time it happened by accident.  Owen was playing with one of those peek-a-boo flap books, and he ripped a child peeking behind a plant clean out of the book.  I thought, that’s a shame, and I taped it up over his coat hooks.  It looked pretty cute.  Before I knew what I was doing I was taping a post card with a picture of a giraffe right next to it. And it looked just perfect.

Later that night I was looking at Owen’s sleeping  nook, the little square alcove in his room that holds his crib, covered by glow in the dark stars. In between that, and his large wooden closet doors, is an odd strip of white wall.  I taped up a photo from our honeymoon in Thailand.  And then I got my idea.  The Nature Zip.  Parents go crazy with all kinds of decorating ideas and murals, many of which I have entertained.  But lets face it.  We are here temporarily.  Painting a giant tree over his crib doesn’t quite seem worth it. But a nature collage on a skinny “zip” of wall, this I can do.

The original idea was to cover the entire area, from floor to ceiling.  Unfortunately, I had to let this go when I realized that Owen enjoys peeling the photos off the wall as much as we both enjoy viewing them from the rocking chair.

Still, the little man seems quite fond of it.

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